"Sweet Home" follows the story of Cha Hyun-soo, a withdrawn high school student who moves into Green Home, a dilapidated apartment complex, after the tragic death of his family. Soon after his arrival, a series of mysterious and grotesque events begin to unfold. The residents of the building find themselves trapped inside as monstrous creatures emerge, turning people into horrifying creatures.
As the characters struggle to survive, they must confront their fears, make difficult decisions, and navigate the challenges of living in a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction. Each character has their own backstory, struggles, and secrets, and the series explores how they cope with the new reality and the monstrous threats that surround them.
Throughout the narrative, the origins of the creatures and the apocalyptic events are gradually revealed, uncovering a complex web of interconnected stories. The series weaves together elements of horror, suspense, and drama, creating a dark and intense atmosphere.
The characters' personal journeys and the relationships formed in the face of adversity are central to the story line. Themes of survival, loss, and the human condition are explored as the characters grapple with the horrifying transformation of the world around them.
It's important to watch the series to fully experience the twists and turns of the plot and the character developments. Additionally, keep in mind that individual opinions on the story can vary, so it's advisable to explore the series and form your own perspective based on personal preferences in storytelling and horror.
"Sweet Home" is a South Korean web series that was released on Netflix. Please note that I might not have information on any developments or releases that occurred after that date.
"Sweet Home" is a horror-thriller series based on the webtoon of the same name by Kim Kan-bi and Hwang Young-chan. It revolves around the story of a reclusive high school student, Cha Hyun-soo, who moves into a rundown apartment complex after the tragic death of his family. As he grapples with his grief, a series of supernatural events begins to unfold, leading to a survival situation where residents of the building must face monstrous creatures.